How Can Philippine Businesses Adapt with the Advent of the ASEAN Integration?
Now with the ASEAN integration taking form in the Philippines such as the initiatives or proposals to allow free movement of goods, services

Part 3: Importance of Securing the Legal Requirements
In this last article, we will discuss why it is important to secure all legal requirements for your business.

Part 2: Business Permit and Other Registrations
Today, we will discuss the necessary permits and registrations relating to starting a business.

Part 1: Register the Business Organization
Starting a business in the Philippines can be a bit confusing because of the many legal requirements necessary before a business can operate

Part 4: Alternatives to Organizing and Registering a Stock Corporation
Instead of organizing and registering and corporation, foreign corporations wishing to have a presence in the Philippines may also register

Part 3: Steps in Registering a Stock Corporation with the SEC
In this post, we will discuss the steps to register with the SEC.

Part 2: Requirements of a Stock Corporation
A Philippine corporation may be subject to nationality restrictions imposed by various laws depending on its purpose or business.

Part 1: What is a Corporation?
Under Philippine law, a corporation is an artificial being created by operation of law, having the right of succession and the powers, attri